Frank Bruni Vists Radford
Frank Bruni, a well-known columnist for The New York Times and an established author, visited Radford University on Wednesday, October 23rd, at the Artis Center. The university’s Civil Discourse Working Group invited him as part of the Dialogue Across Differences program, which relates to his latest book, “The Age of Grievance,” published earlier this year. The book explores political polarization in America, examining its societal effects and proposing possible solutions.
Heather Keith, chair of the RU Civil Discourse Group, took the stage first to explain the program’s purpose in fostering healthy political discussions. She then welcomed Provost Bethany Usher, who provided background on Frank Bruni, referencing his current position as “a Eugene C. Patterson professor of the practice of journalism and public policy at Duke University.” Usher shared that she had personally followed Bruni’s career since he was a NYT food critic. She also mentioned his book “Where You Go Is Not Who You Will Be,” which, according to Goodreads, addresses everything wrong with today’s college admissions process and how to make the most of your college years.
When Frank Bruni was welcomed to the stage, he began with a personal story about his last book, “The Beauty of Dusk”, to illustrate what inspired his most recent work. In October 2017, Bruni woke up to find his “vision was badly compromised and scrambled.” After several days of tests, referrals and scans, he was diagnosed with a rare type of stroke that affected the blood flow to his right optic nerve. He reflected, “I was very blessed because, as a journalist, I began taking notes,” which eventually led to The Beauty of Dusk, published in March 2022. Although it might seem tangential, he noted that the reactions to that book helped him see things from a different perspective, stating:
“A small minority of people who wrote me in theory and said that I had done something horribly cruel because by talking about my own resilience and my ability to move past this problem, I was mocking, marginalizing, and insulting people who didn’t have those same sorts of psychological and mental resources.”
At first, Bruni felt a sense of guilt regarding the comments he received, but he soon began to see that people were choosing to interpret his book and words in a negative light. He started to connect the dots, especially in politics, noting that people “just kind of girded for themselves, girded for offense.” This realization inspired him to write The Age of Grievance, as he believes we are in a new social era. He referenced the prevalence of rage bait and how both political sides often exaggerate issues to defame one another. Bruni also provided examples from both the left and right to contextualize some of the extremist views within both parties. He believes a significant change in society is that “we have turned a corner in this country from a kind of fundamental optimism into a pervasive pessimism.”
Bruni also warned about the dangerous role social media plays in fueling hatred between political parties, stating that “nothing gets clicks and gets shared and all that, like things that are angry.” He discussed how his students examined various social media algorithms and noted how these platforms tend to show users political content that aligns with their existing views, limiting exposure to different perspectives.
Despite the challenges, Bruni offers suggestions for healing the divide. He emphasizes that events like this are a great start to fostering healthy discussions. He also references various policies and changes proposed or implemented across the states. One notable example is a group founded in Michigan in 2016 called Voters Not Politicians, which worked to introduce ballot initiatives aimed at reducing extremism. One key change they achieved is having voting districts drawn by an independent nonpartisan commission instead of politicians. They have also “expanded ballot access, expanded voting rules and voting rights—in a way that brought much more people into the fold,” making individuals feel that their voices are being heard. Another suggestion Bruni offered is to integrate public open spaces, such as parks and plazas, into different neighborhoods to foster connections among diverse backgrounds.
Lastly, Bruni left room for questions at the end. I took the opportunity to ask about college students, as I felt it was important not only to me but likely to others in the audience. I asked, “How can we (college students) overcome the challenges of living in a separate population…in a forced diversity of a sense and have healthy discussions about politics and be more involved?” In his response, Bruni referenced his earlier book, which Usher had mentioned, sharing his personal grievances with the college admissions process. He also introduced a perspective I hadn’t considered: the diversity of the schools students choose to attend. Bruni explained that “diverse environments are inherent(ly) more educational than other(s)…because you are interacting with people who bring fresh perspectives to you.” He encouraged all students to “carve out the time to take a humanities course,” believing it could help expand their horizons and encourage them to step out of their comfort zones. Several other students also asked questions, ranging from specifics about social media algorithms to tips on finding truthful, unbiased information. Chloe Burt even inquired about how these grievances have affected journalism’s integrity, in which Bruni acknowledged that they have indeed impacted how journalism functions in the media as a whole.
In conclusion, Frank Bruni’s visit to Radford University highlighted the pressing need for constructive dialogue in an increasingly polarized society. Through personal anecdotes and insights from his works, he challenged students to engage with diverse perspectives and take active steps toward fostering inclusivity. His reflections on the impact of social media and political extremism served as a reminder of the complexities facing today’s discourse. By promoting initiatives like Voters Not Politicians and encouraging students to step outside their comfort zones, Bruni offered both hope and practical solutions for bridging divides. Ultimately, his message resonates with the importance of empathy and understanding in navigating the challenges of modern political landscapes, inspiring a new generation to contribute positively to the conversation.