Radford Dance In The New Artis Center
The Artis Center for Adaptive Innovation and Creativity’s theater debuts with Tragedy, The Trojan Women.
After multiple years of construction, Radford’s largest, most advanced building is complete, and all the artists can finally conjointly thrive. Over the last few years, colleges like Radford’s College of Visual and Performing Arts have spent their time commuting from building to building, scattered, due to the Artis Center‘s construction. I was given the opportunity to talk with one of Radford’s outstanding resident Directors and professors of the Theater Department, Molly Hood, to ask about the process in the new building.
“I’m very excited … Our last few years have been challenging because the department has been separated, in spaces all over campus. The new building, with its shops and theatres so close together, will help us work more efficiently and provide more time for the creative process that we love so much.”
The classical play The Trojan Women was set to open October 1, 2024, in the brand-new theater. With the Artis Center’s completion, they could finally get to work, right?
To many students and faculty’s disappointment, from the start of the semester, it was clear the building was not ready for use. After so much waiting and anticipation, hopes began crumbling to uneven stage floors, unusable speakers, unpowered areas and even an unmaskable hum that radiated across the theater. Conversations began to arise about alternate locations, such as an outdoor performance and even Muse’s basement. I attended The Trojan Women’s Design Forum, which I would highly recommend attending for all the shows put on here at Radford, and got an opportunity to hear from the show designers themselves how they approached all the possible venues presented. I heard mention of traveling tour-style sets, to movable speakers to bring the atmosphere to life anywhere on campus. All going to show the dedication each artist had to this show’s production.
Just a week before the technical rehearsals began for The Trojan Women, the stage finally got cleared for use and with some handicaps still in place, the teams got to work. It definitely paid off, with a beautiful set, sound and lights. Everyone who
worked on the show got to sit back and finally relax to enjoy the wonders of their work, including the director who commented:
“I’m incredibly proud of The Trojan Women … Theatre is a collaborative art form; seeing students and faculty in the department (actors, designers, and technicians) come together with individuals across the institution (big shout out to Facilities!) to make certain the curtain rose on Opening Night was incredible!”
Congratulations to every single person who worked on The Trojan Women, directly or indirectly.
Come see Judy Moody & Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt on November 16, 2024, at 10 AM or 2 PM, and support Radford’s wonderful hard working Theater Department.